Scooching Our Way to Success!


What It Means to Win the Small Business Award at the South Canterbury Business Community and Excellence Awards

Winning the Small Business category at the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce Business Community and Excellence Awards is nothing short of monumental for our team here at Scooch Marketing. It's more than just a shiny trophy on our shelf — it's a validation of our hard work, the late nights, and the unwavering passion that drives us every single day. This recognition isn’t just a win for us; it’s a win for every small business that strives to make a big impact in our community.

A professional portrait of Tam Johnson, the sole owner and founder of Scooch Marketing, standing with her husband in support of her Timaru-based digital marketing agency. The image reflects Tam's journey in building the business from the ground up over the past 4.5 years, delivering top-notch marketing solutions in South Canterbury.
Team members Nina and Miranda from Scooch Marketing, Timaru, at the Business Community and Excellence Awards 2024, hosted by the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce. The image captures the agency's celebration of their achievements in graphic design, social media management, and digital marketing services.

The journey to this award hasn’t been a walk in the park. Like many small businesses, we've faced our share of challenges—navigating the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, juggling multiple roles, and constantly pushing ourselves to deliver top-notch services to our clients. But these challenges have shaped us, helping us grow, learn, and ultimately, thrive.

This award is proof that we’re on the right path. It’s a nod to the crucial role small businesses play in driving innovation, fostering connections within the community, and contributing to our local economy. But more than that, it’s a reminder of the power of collaboration and teamwork. At Scooch, we firmly believe that together, we’re stronger — whether that’s working closely with our clients, partnering with talented professionals, or supporting fellow local businesses.

Of course, this achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible contributions of some key players in the Scooch team...

  • To Rewa, Miranda, and Nina — your dedication, creativity, and daily commitment to Scooch’s vision have been instrumental in our success. Thank you for being the backbone of our team.

  • A huge shoutout to Tracy Kruger at House of Jam Creative Communications who took our award entry from drab to fab with her brilliant copywriting skills. Tracy, your creativity, constant communication, and ability to keep us on track (and on time!) made all the difference.

  • And we can’t forget Nathan, Cheryl and the epic team at Copyfast Timaru. Your printing work on our BECA Booklets was nothing short of exceptional — from the luxurious 250gsm Royal Offset covers to the pristine 140gsm Royal Offset internals. Your attention to detail and dedication to excellence helped our entry shine. Check it out below...

P.S. Want your award entry to look this sharp? With our design magic and their top-notch printing, yours could be just as impressive! 💥

Close-up of the luxurious BECA Booklet designed by Scooch Marketing in Timaru, featuring a sturdy 250gsm Royal Offset cover. The booklet exemplifies the agency's expertise in graphic design and professional printing for business award entries.
Open BECA Booklet designed by Scooch Marketing, highlighting the crisp 140gsm Royal Offset internal pages. This graphic design project showcases Scooch Marketing's dedication to quality and attention to detail for clients in Timaru.
A beautifully crafted BECA Booklet, printed by Copyfast Timaru and designed by Scooch Marketing. The booklet's flawless design and print quality reflect the agency's capabilities in delivering standout marketing materials for South Canterbury businesses.

Lastly, a heartfelt thank you to DB Brewery, the sponsor of the Small Business category. Your support for small businesses like ours is invaluable, and we’re truly honored to be recognised through this award.

Winning this award isn’t just a milestone for us — it’s a testament to the power of small businesses and the incredible things we can achieve together. Here’s to the journey ahead, and to continuing to make a big impact in our community!


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